Learning Disabilities

There are many statutory, voluntary and community based services in south Worcestershire to support you or the person you care for with a learning disability. You’ll find details below.

Family Fund

The Family Fund helps families with a severely disabled child and young people aged 17 and under to have choices and the opportunity to enjoy ordinary life. They can provide financial grants for things that make life easier and more enjoyable for the disabled child, young person and their family, such as washing machines, driving lessons, computers and holidays.

Telephone: 01904 621115

Website: www.familyfund.org.uk

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Encourages and supports community involvement for people who may face barriers to participation. The project provides support to enable people to become actively involved in mainstream leisure, social, educational and volunteering opportunities.

Telephone: 01905 27525

Website: www.onside-advocacy.org.uk

Lifeskills Programmes

Worcester College offers a number of courses for adults with learning disabilities to develop life skills and help them get into the job market.

Telephone: 01905 743456

Website: www.howcollege.ac.uk

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Mencap works exclusively with and for people with a learning disability, their families and carers. Their specialist services enable people with a learning disability to develop the skills they need to lead fulfilling lives.

Gateway Clubs

Mencap also run Gateway Clubs providing activities and leisure opportunities for young people with learning disabilities. Within South Worcestershire there are clubs in Droitwich, Evesham, Pershore, Malvern and Worcester. To find out more, contact Mencap’s central office or view website using the details below:

Helpline Telephone: 0207 454 0454

Website: www.mencap.org.uk

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Garage Art Group

They use the benefits of art to health for all and to support adults with learning disabilities.

Sessions run Monday to Friday in Evesham, Mondays 10.30 to 12.30 in Worcester and Tuesdays in Malvern. The cost is £8.00 per sessions which includes tea/coffee and art materials.

Telephone: 01386 423245 or 07933512210

Website: www.garageartgroup.com

Monday Night Club

Social club for people with a learning disability. Weekly disco in Bottles, 22 New Street, Worcester, WR12DP.
Disco, skittles, karaoke, talent show etc

Telephone: 07973788029

Website: helen@themondaynightclub.org.uk


Support and activity service for people with profound learning difficulties and their families

Telephone: 01905 729190


The Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities

They work with people and their families to ensure they can use effective services, play a fuller part in communities and society, and enjoy equal rights.

Telephone: 0800 8081111

Website: http://www.learningdisabilities.org.uk

Osborne Court

Short break (respite) care for children and adults with a moderate to severe learning disabilities. Accessed by a Resource Panel of Learning Disability Integrated Service. Malvern.

Telephone: 01684 612727

Website: www.hacw.nhs.uk


ASPIE is a social self help group for adults with Asperger’s. Asperger’s is part of the autistic spectrum and is a hidden disability.

Telephone: 01905 27825

Website: www.aspie.org.uk

Our Way Self Advocacy

Our Way is a self advocacy group for people with learning disabilities who help them represent themselves and make sure they have a say in the choices and decisions that affect their lives.1

Telephone: 01562 820262

Website: http://www.ourwayselfadvocacy.com

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SpeakEasy N.O.W.

SpeakEasy N.O.W. support people with learning disabilities to speak up for themselves, raise issues that are important to them, share information and ideas with each other and feel more in charge of their lives.

Telephone: 01905 774247

Website: www.speakeasynow.org.uk

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Worcester Snoezelen

Worcester Snoezelen is a multi-sensory leisure therapy centre for people with special needs of any age. The centre also offers mobile workshops for music, creative arts and movement to music as well as a range of Saturday clubs for young people. Booking essential.

Telephone: 01905 748229

Website: www.worcestersnoezelen.org.uk

STARS Social Club

A new social club for adults with learning difficulties. The club gives practical support for people living with a disability and their carers, it provides a safe and inclusive environment, day time engagement and an activity programme focused on maintaining independence, self-esteem and well being.

Tuesdays, 10-2 and Fridays 10-2. Cost £50 each day

Telephone: 01905 355995

Website: www.starssocialclub.co.uk

Worcester Wanderers Rugby Club

The club has set up a mixed ability team. Aimed at getting adults with learning disabilities into rugby.

Telephone: 01905 455118

Website: www.pitchero.com