Disabled Children’s Services

Below you will find a list of local services providing support and information if you’re caring for and supporting children with disabilities.

If you’re the main carer for a child with disabilities don’t forget to visit our page listing services for carers to help you find the support you need to: Carers Support.

Also, please see our page on respite services to see services in your area that could offer respite or a short break: Respite and Short Breaks.

Worcestershire County Council

If you’re caring for a child with disabilities you should contact Worcestershire County Council, using the details below, to find out what help you may be entitled to. They will arrange an assessment of your childs needs and discuss with you services and support that you may be able to access.

Worcestershire Childrens Services

Website: http://www.worcestershire.gov.uk/info/20324/advice_care_health_and_support

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Child Development Team

(Worcestershire NHS Trust) Community Health Service

Coordinates the range of therapeutic and medical services available to children with special needs.

Telephone: 01905 681860

Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)

Website: https://www.hacw.nhs.uk/services/service/child-development-team-70/

Acorns Children’s Hospice

Established in 1988, Acorns Children’s Hospice Trust is a registered charity offering a network of care for life limited and life threatened children and young people, and their families, across the heart of England.

350 Bath Road,

Telephone: 01905 767676

Website: www.acorns.org.uk

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Children’s Chronic Arthritis Association

The Children’s Chronic Arthritis Association is the leading charity run by parents and professionals to provide help and information for children with arthritis, their families and professionals involved in their care.

Amber Gate,
City Walls Road,

Telephone: 01242511250

Website: www.ccaa.org.uk

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Contact provides support, advice and information for families with disabled children, no matter what their condition or disability and have over 30 years of experience of working with families with disabled children.

Telephone: 0808 808 3555

Website: www.contact.org.uk

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Council for Disabled Children

The Council for Disabled Children (CDC) is the umbrella body for the disabled children’s sector in England, with links to the other UK nations. They provide information and resources developed specifically for parents, young people, public sector professionals and those in the voluntary sector.

8 Wakley Street,

Telephone: 020 7843 6000

Website: www.ncb.org.uk/cdc

Email: cdc@ncb.org.uk

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Family Fund

The Family Fund helps families with severely disabled or seriously ill children and young people by providing grants for things that make life easier and more enjoyable for the disabled child, young person and their family, such as washing machines, driving lessons, computers and holidays. Each families request is looked at individually.

This is a Government fund run by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation

Telephone: 01904 550055

Website: www.familyfund.org.uk

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Association of Wheelchair Children – Go Kids Go!

Go Kids Go! offer training and support to equip young wheelchair-users with the skills to be independently mobile, help them reach their full potential and also to increase their confidence. Their free courses enable parents/carers, siblings and friends to join in with the training too.

Telephone: 01482 887163

Website: www.go-kids-go.org.uk

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Home Start

Home Start are a national organisation that help to increase the confidence and independence of families by visiting families in their own homes to offer support, friendship and practical assistance details. You can contact their nationwide advice line or your local contact for help and more information

Information line – Telephone: 0116 4645490


South Worcestershire

Telephone: 01905 29377

Website: https://www.home-startsw.org.uk/

Wyre Forest

Telephone: 01562 825896

Website: https://www.home-start.org.uk/home-start-wyre-forest

North-East Worcestershire

Telephone: 01527 62819


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Malvern Special Families

Malvern Special Families supports families who have children with special needs and disabilities. They offer support to over 100 families in the area of the Malvern Hills and Worcester. Has youth club and social evenings and weekend playschemes.

Telephone: 01684 892526

Website: www.malvernspecialfamilies.org.u

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Mencap works exclusively with and for people with a learning disability, their families and carers. Their specialist services enable people with a learning disability to develop the skills they need to lead fulfilling lives.

Telephone: 01905 740555

Helpline Telephone: 0808 808 1111

Website: www.mencap.org.uk

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Specialist advice on child, family and education law

Telephone: Education Law 0300 3305485

Family Law       0300 3305480

Website: www.childlawadvice.org.uk

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New Hope

New Hope is an organisation providing day care services for children with disabilities, and support for parents and carers, in Worcester. (Saturdays & school holidays only)

Telephone: 01905 355295

Website: www.newhopeworcester.co.uk

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Worcestershire Special Educational Needs (SENDIASS)

An independent information and support service for parents with a focus on children who have educational needs.

Telephone: 01905 768153

Website: http://www.worcestershire.gov.uk/info/20416/special_educational_needs_and_disabilities_send_and_local_offer

Worcestershire Children’s Information Service

Information around child care.

Website: www.worcestershire.gov.uk

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Worcestershire Parent and Carers Community

A registered charity supporting parents and carers who have children with a disability or additional needs. It also contributes to the decision making process when services are being planned, developed and reviewed.

Website: www.parentcarers.org.

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Worcester Snoezelen

The Worcester Snoezelen centre provides a multi-sensory centre that is available to people with special needs of any age. Self referral but booking necessary.

Telephone: 01905 748229

Website: www.worcestersnoezelen.org.uk

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Family Lives

National family support charity

Telephone: 08088 002222

Website: www.familylives.org.uk

Childline (Helpline)

Helpline for children and young people up to the age of 18, in danger, in distress or with any problem whatsoever

Telephone: 0800 1111

Website: www.childline.org.uk

Hansel & Gretel Child Development Centre

This is a day unit for children with special needs aged between 0 and 5 years. It offers play, learning and assessment for children and support for families. Wyre Forest area.

Telephone: 07525668608

Website: www.hanselgretel.org.uk

Scott Atkinson Child Development Centre

The service provides multi-agency needs assessment, advice and support to children under 5 and their families. Redditch and Bromsgrove area.

Telephone: 01527 488520

Website: https://www.hacw.nhs.uk/services/service/child-development-team-70/

AFASIC Worcestershire

Support group of local parents of children with speech, language & communication difficulties

Website: www.afasic.org.uk

 Fledgling Family Services

Helps families caring for a disabled child to obtain impartial independent information products which help with a Child’s development or help the carer in their caring role.

Telephone: 0203 3199772

Website: www.fledglings.org.uk

Autism West Midlands

Autism West Midlands is a charitable organisation offering free information, advice and support for children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder and their families. Helpline available Monday to Friday 10a.m. to 2.00p.m.

Telephone: 0121 450 7582

Website: www.autismwestmidlands.org.uk 

Worcestershire Short Breaks Project

Run by Barnardos (in partnership with Worcestershire County Council). This project links families who have children with disabilities (up to the age of 18) to specially approved carers to allow families to take a break from caring for their child with special needs, and to give children the chance to widen their social life.

Telephone: 01299 877920

Website: https://www.worcestershire.gov.uk/shortbreaks


Provides equipment for disabled children’s mobility, trikes, bikes, manual wheelchairs, lightweight wheelchairs, that are not available on the NHS.

Telephone: 020 7233 6600

Website: www.whizz-kidz.org.uk

Dyspraxia Foundation

Information, support and training organisation

Telephone: 01462 454986

Website: dyspraxiafoundation.org.uk

Sociables & Crew Hub

Help children and young people to enjoy life. Play, social and work programmes. Bewdley.

Website: facebook.com/Sociables-Hub-CREWS-528003450594885/

Deaf Direct (Family Services Department)

Works with deaf and hard of hearing children and their families in the community of Herefordshire and Worcestershire.  Some children’s activities incur a small charge.

Telephone: 01905 746301

Website: www.deafdirect.org.uk

Worcester Deaf Childrens Society

Family orientated group for the families of deaf and hard of hearing children in Worcestershire.

Telephone: 07879 621746

Website: https://www.worcdcs.org/

Osborne Court

Children’s emergency assessment and support service. Short break (respite) service. Hydrotherapy.

Telephone: 01684 612727

Website: www.hacw.nhs.uk

ERIC (Education & Resources for Improving Childhood Continence)

ERIC is the UK’s childhood continence harity. They work to reduce the suffering to children and young people caused by continence issues.

Helpline: 0808 1699949

Website: www.eric.org.uk

Child Brain Injury Trust

Support/activity group for young people with an acquired brain injury, plus information and support for parents. Acquired brain injury can be as a result of traumatic injury (accident) or illness such as meningitis.

Telephone: 01869 341075

Website: www.childbraininjurytrust.org.uk

Barnardos Projects

Long term foster care, short break and respite care project for children with disabilities

Telephone: 01384 458585

Website: www.barnardos.org.uk/breakaway

South Worc Parenting & Community Development

Directory of useful agencies that may be able to provide support to you and your family

Telephone: 01905 758411


Evesham Adventure Playground

Adventure playground for children with disabilities

Telephone: 01386 442154

Website: www.eveshamadventureplayground.btck.co.uk

Children – Sport

Bromsgrove Dolphin Centre

They have a changing bed and an oxford dipper. Phone prior to visit for swimming.

Telephone: 01527 549130

Droitwich Swimming Pool

They have changing rooms, showers, hoist and emergency cords

Telephone: 01905 771212

Evesham Swimming Pool

They have changing rooms, showers, hoist, toilet, ramps and hearing loop

Telephone: 01386 444212

Malvern Special Needs Swimming Club

Malvern Splash every Saturday from 5.15pm to 6.15pm

Telephone: 01684 893423

Hewell Road Swimming Pool, Redditch

They have disabled changing room, shower, and hoist. The disabled session is on Thursdays from 3.00pm until 3.30pm

Telephone: 01527 64189

Stourport Sports Centre

They have ramps, changing rooms, electric doors, hoist and emergency cords.

Telephone: 01299 822308

Worcester Citizens Swimming Pool

They have level access

Telephone: 01905 20241

Worcester Swimming and Fitness Centre

They have a disabled changing room, hoist and ramps

Telephone: 01905 20241

Wyre Forest Glades Leisure Centre

They have a changing room, toilet, shower, emergency cords and wheelchair access to side of pool

Telephone: 01562 515151

Inclusive Athletics

Club for young people with a physical disability. Sessions at Ryland Centre, Bromsgrove

Telephone: 01527 875207

Wheelchair Basketball

Sessions at Rylands Centre, Bromsgrove

Telephone: 01527 881652

Wheelchair Basketball

Sessions at University of Worcester

Telephone: 01905 855509 or 01905 542001

Dizz Kidz

Multi skills and multi sports club for children with coordination difficulties Thursday evenings at University of Worcester Sports Hall

Website: https:dizzkidz.co.uk

Triple A Club

Disability Sports Club for children and young people. Saturdays at Kingsley Sports Centre, Redditch.

Telephone: 01527 64676