When you’re suffering through illness or disability you need to be able to access the help you need when you need it. Below are details of local health services to meet your needs.
Direct Payments
Payments of cash made by Local Authorities to disabled people, carers, parents of a disabled child to buy their own community care services. The cash can be used to employ your own personal assistant. You must be eligible for community care support to qualify. Contact Adult Services or Penderels Trust.
Website: www.gov.uk/apply-direct-payments
Website: http://www.worcestershire.gov.uk/info/20567/personal_budgets_and_direct_payments_for_adults
Age UK Hereford & Worcester
Age UK Hereford & Worcester offers services for old people to stay well and independent in later life
Services include: Home Support, Living Well, Social Inclusion
Telephone: 0800 0086077
Website: https://www.ageuk.org.uk/herefordshireandworcestershire/our-services/
Community Occupational Therapy Service
The Community Occupational Therapy Service offers an assessment and advice service to disabled people living at home on matters relating to practical difficulties in daily living.
Telephone: 01905 760000
Website: www.hacw.nhs.uk
Adult Community Physiotherapy
Physiotherapist provides a programme of exercise and movement to enable people to improve and maintain their mobility at home. Referral is either from a G.P. or consultant.
Telephone: 01905 681660
Website: https://www.hacw.nhs.uk/movetoimprove/
Radar National Key Scheme
Keys for use in toilets which are adapted for people with disabilities and fitted with the National Key Scheme Lock.
Telephone: 0203 6870790 (shop)
Website: www.disabilityrightsuk.org/shop
Programme to help people with low mental health issues
Telephone : 01905 27525
Website: https://www.onside-advocacy.org.uk/moodmaster
Worcestershire ME Social Group
Social group. Lunches and afternoon cafe meetings
Telephone: 01384 892442 (lunch info)
Website: http://worcsmegroup.weebly.com
Worcester Long Term Stroke Support Group
Telephone: 03003300740
Website: www.stroke.org.uk
Medication Withdrawal
Free support group for people who want to come off antidepressants and sedatives. Meets every two week in Worcester.
Email: stuartbryan@btinternet.com
The Care Quality Commission
The CQC are the independent regulators of all health and social care services in England. Their job is to make sure that care provided meets government standards of quality and safety.
Telephone: 03000 616161
Website: www.cqc.org.uk
Community alarm service for vulnerable people living in Bromsgrove and Redditch.
Telephone: 01527 534060
Website: https://www.redditchbc.gov.uk/living/support-at-home/new-lifeline.aspx
Deaf Direct
Work with deaf and hard of hearing people in Worcestershire. They offer a training and communication service, family and volunteer services, information, advice and guidance.
Telephone: 01905 746301
Website: www.deafdirect.org.uk
Sight Concern
Provides information, equipment, training opportunities and a wide range of recreational and social activities.
Telephone: 01905 723245
Website: www.sightconcern.co.uk
Penderels Trust
Provides practical assistance and support to people who wish to recruit their own support workers.
Telephone: 02476511611
Website: www.penderelstrust.org.uk
NHS Choices
A healthcare website.
Website: www.nhs.uk
Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust
The Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust was established in July 2011 to provide services previously delviered by Worcestershire Primary Care NHS Trust’s Provider Arm, and the mental health services that were managed by Worcestershire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust.
Telephone: 01905 763333
Website: http://www.hacw.nhs.uk/
Mental Health Services
If you need to access support for mental health issues your first action should be to speak to your GP about a referral. Otherwise, you can contact mental health services using the details below:
For those with mild mental health issues there is now a new hub.
Telephone: 01905 766124
Worcestershire NHS Services
The Worcestershire NHS website can help you find the full range of NHS services in your area – GP, Pharmacy, Dentist, Mental Health Services, Minor Injuries Unit and more. Also listed below are local hospital services.
Website: http://www.hacw.nhs.uk/
Evesham Community Hospital,
WR11 1JT
Telephone: 01386 502449
Malvern Community Hospital,
185 Worcester Road,
WR14 1EX
Telephone: 01684 612600
Pershore Hospital,
Queen Elizabeth House,
Queen Elizabeth Drive,
WR10 1PS
Telephone: 01386 502071
Worcestershire Royal Hospital,
Charles Hastings Way,
Telephone: 01905 763333
St Richard’s Hospice
St Richard’s Hospice cares for patients and families in Worcestershire who are living with life-threatening illnesses. Each year they provide free care and support to around 2,100 patients and family members helping them towards the best quality of life possible.
Wildwood Drive,
Telephone: 01905 763963
Website: www.strichards.org.uk
Email: enquiries@strichards.org.uk
Association for Rehabilitation of Communication and Oral Skills (ARCOS)
ARCOS work with children and adults who have communication and eating and swallowing difficulties, their families, carers and others involved. They provide information, advice, practical help, specialist therapy and training.
Telephone: 01684 576795
Website: www.arcos.org.uk
Disabled Living Foundation
Helps disabled people find equipment that enable them to live independent lives.
Telephone: 0300 9990004
Website: www.dlf.org.uk
Telecare in Worcestershire
Now Amica 24.
The organisation supports independent living and promotes safety and security through the provision of an emergency alarm system which is accessible to all venerable people who need it.
Telephone: 0345 1301469
Website: https://www.amica24.org/
Onside Independent Advocacy
Offers practical and proactive support to ensure disadvantaged people in Worcestershire are treated fairly and have equal rights
Telephone: 01905 27525
Website: www.onside-advocacy.org.uk
Ourways Advocacy
Telephone: 01562 820262
Website: www.ourwayselfadvocacy.com
Patient Self-Management
Advice and support run by the NHS for people with a long term and chronic health problem. Free of charge. Check for courses running throughout the year and throughout Worcestershire.
Telephone: 01905 760000
Website: https://www.hacw.nhs.uk/prevention-self-care-promoting-independence/
NHS Complaints Advocacy
Free independent service that can help you make a complaint about a NHS service.
Telephone: 0300 3305454
Website: www.nhscomplaintsadvocacy.org
Home Care Services
Website detailing Worcestershire County Council services
Website: www.worcestershire.gov.uk
Skin Camouflage Service
Service which teaches users how to conceal disfigurations
Website: www.changingfaces.org.uk (online service only)
Health Watch Worcestershire
Healthwatch is a national programme supported by the Department of Health. Its an independent consumer champion for the local public to promote better outcomes in health and social care.
Telephone: 01386 550264
Website: www.healthwatchworcestershire.co.uk